As you know I have decided to begin my own photography business and with that comes expanding my knowledge of....well how to begin and run a business.
One of my goals when I started "the year all about me" was to become more technically savvy and what better way to do that, then to start your own business (photo hosting sites, web sites, blog sites, etc) It is all Greek to me.
The language of "Greek" is one I must learn and I must reach out to those that speak that language better then I. I am depending on my friends to help me through this process and well...that is Greek to me; I don't depend on anyone, until now.
I started down this path of starting my own business with no real expectation other than " it will be what it is supposed to be" and I will continue until I am not supposed to continue any longer. I know that is vague but it's vague for a reason.
I am on my way!
As always thanks for stopping by
I am available if you need any input from Greece??? Other than that, your doing a real fantastic job at blogging! Keep up the good work!