Early in my life, I learned that I can make due with anything, I don't need things to make me happy; what I didn't realize or even consider, is that it's not about making due its about making things a bit easier for me and enjoying them more...what a concept making things easier for myself.
I contemplated a new computer for a few months, compared prices, determined what I needed in a computer, talked with people and asked lots of questions; in my heart I knew I wanted a new computer but something was holding me back from treating myself to a new one, something besides the money.
I'm sure I'm not alone in the feeling of putting myself first feels awkward, selfish and uncomfortable but I also knew that if I don't do it, no one will, that is after all what the year all about me is about.
So I put aside the young woman that put others first and bought myself a new computer. Not just a new computer I moved from a PC to a MAC; I must be a gluten for punishment. No only do I need to move all my programs, documents, etc to my new MAC I have to learn how it differs from a PC. Well I guess I'll get that grey matter working one way
I guess changing from a PC to a MAC is a metaphor for all the changes that are and will be happening in my life this year, so it only made sense to make the switch; wish me luck!
I am sitting at my shinny new computer tonight typing this blog post and even though I spend the weekend trying to figure out how this things works...I LOVE IT and I love that I bought it for myself! I will say that it is one of the most satisfying feelings to treat yourself to something that you truly want and know you will enjoy and I feel so pleased with myself that I DID IT.
Me and my new computer thank you for stopping by.
Congrats on the purchase that you have made for wonderful funderful "YOU"! I love that you said gluten for punishment, gluten defined mentions that it is an element in wheat that helps it to rise and to keep its shape. Totally makes sense. ;)